“Sacred Union”: The Dance of Masculine & Feminine Energies in Financial Healing

The creation of “Sacred Union” was a deeply transformative journey, where I delved into my relationship with money by exploring the intricate connection between masculine and feminine energies—often reflected in the father and mother wounds around money.

Soul Art Intention:
“I am in full belief of my financial power as a creative Spirit, flowing freely through focused intention and grounded, loving action in all my financial affairs.”

Growing up, I never felt secure with money. My father, despite being a six-figure earner, often declared, “We don’t have the money!” His words, coupled with his inability to manage finances, left a lasting impact on me. I vividly remember overhearing him tell my mother that we were going to lose our home. I was only six years old, but that moment imprinted a deep sense of financial insecurity within me. Instead of expressing my fears, I internalized them, leading to a lifelong struggle with trusting the masculine energy in financial matters.

As I worked on this piece, a powerful realization settled into my being: “You are safe now!” The truth of this insight moved me to tears, as I could finally feel a profound sense of safety regarding money through my continuous empowerment and healing work. Days later, this insight deepened with the understanding that desired change, especially around money, happens at the speed of safety.

The Value of Soul Art
The entire Soul Art process supports me in voicing my deepest desires from the heart without becoming too attached to the exploration. It opens my heart to the guidance of my Soul, teaching me emotional mindfulness and the importance of self-care. Through this process, I learn to improve my life experiences while detaching from the outcome. It reveals how the mind can contrive ideas of what life “should” look like, leading to internal distress. But in letting go and leaning into my heart’s wisdom, I take Soul-aligned actions that resonate with my true nature.

Are you ready to embark on your own transformative journey? I invite you to join me on a Soul Art Journey Vision Quest, where together we will explore, heal, and empower your deepest desires. Let’s uncover the wisdom of your Soul and bring your visions to life through the art of creative expression. Your journey to greater clarity, alignment, and purpose begins here.

Engage with “Sacred Union”

I invite you to explore the “Sacred Union” Soul Art piece and reflect on your own relationship with money. How do the masculine and feminine energies influence your financial life? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.

Remember, if not now, when? If not you, who? I challenge you to dream BIG and take the steps towards healing your financial story!

Next Blog Post Art Viewing: “Yoni Butterfly!”

Join me in the next blog post, where I will showcase the art piece “Yoni Butterfly!” A celebration of transformation, femininity, and rebirth through creative entrepreneurship.

P.S. If you haven’t yet, I invite you to check out the replay of the “Sweet Truths” Soul Art Exhibit grand opening video. It’s a wonderful way to immerse yourself in the journey behind these creations and gain deeper insight into the intentions and experiences that shaped each piece. Watch the replay and let yourself be inspired to discover your Sweet Truths!

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