“Queendom”: Embrace Your Inner Sovereign!

Creating the Soul Art piece “Queendom” revealed how I want to guide Soul Art Journeys. My desire is to take participants on a profound healing and empowerment journey, helping them extract Soul Health, inner wealth, insight, and a deeper understanding of their dynamics and patterns.

The workshops I lead inspire and uplift participants by guiding them to step into their bodies, connect the dots on their journeys, and align with their Souls. This alignment allows them to embody the insights they discover, empowering them to live authentically and true to their power on an illuminated pathway.

Understanding “My People”

Through this journey, I’ve learned a lot about the people drawn to work with me. These are individuals seeking personal empowerment, body healing, liberated self-expression, and conflict resolution. They are experiencing a phoenix rising—a wake-up call that demands compassionate sanctuary.

My people need to restore their body’s and Soul’s natural rhythm. They often feel like they cannot stop, slow down, breathe, or take a moment because they fear everything will collapse around them, not realizing it already has. They are overwhelmed, tirelessly busy, trying to fix everything with ineffective tools.

But when they allow themselves to pause, breathe, and listen, they can relax and let the collapse happen. From this place, they can rebuild from the heart, discovering that ease is possible.

My people are financially established, and successful in their careers, but relationships have always been a challenge, leaving them exhausted—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. They seek answers about their purpose, money, bodies, family dynamics, and holistic health and Soul-care needs.

They feel the need for a fresh start—a reset button to refresh, restore, and repair. They know it’s time to feel better about themselves so they can face the world with renewed energy. They yearn for a life and lifestyle in full bloom, lush inside and out. They long for clarity and a higher vantage point to understand their current life experience.

They know that with clarity, they can take action, as they are natural action-takers. What they don’t yet realize is that this situation is asking them to activate their power from within.

Engage with “Queendom”

I invite you to explore the “Queendom” Soul Art piece and reflect on your own journey. How can you reclaim your sovereignty and step into your power? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.

If not now, when? If not you, who? I challenge you—dare to dream BIG!

Remember, intuition without action is a bird without wings. The magic of your transformation is all about progress, not excuses. Allow yourself to soar to new heights!

Next Blog Post Art Viewing: “Sanguine Bloom!”

Join me in the next blog where I will showcase the art piece “Sanguine Bloom!” 

Discover a journey from confusion to ripeness.

This “Sweet Truths” Soul Art Exhibit will take you on a journey of 26 Soul Art Creations.

Watch the Grand Opening Video

P.S. If you haven’t yet, I encourage you to check out the replay of the “Sweet Truths” Soul Art Exhibit opening video. Immerse yourself in the journey behind these creations and gain deeper insight into the intentions and experiences that shaped each piece. Let this video inspire you to discover your own Sweet Truths and activate your inner power.

#SoulArtJourney #SoulArtGuide #Queendom #Empowerment #Healing #SelfCare #SoulCare #ArtExhibit #SweetTruths #PersonalGrowth #Sovereignty #Transformation #SoulHealthMentor

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