#7 Guided Heart Sanctuary Meditation

Welcome to Episode #7 of the Soul Health Mentor Podcast: “Guided Heart Sanctuary Meditation”.

In this week’s transformative episode, I guide you through a powerful process designed to help you “NOT give up on your heart.” Together, we’ll delve into the realm of your innate heart’s wishes, transcending the confines of a reactive monkey mind and embracing the wisdom found within Divine mind—the capacity to understand and act.

Don’t Give Up On Your Heart!

Imagine feeling comfortable, secure, and safe as you connect with your feelings, extracting the profound wisdom they hold.

Imagine being in tune with your needs at all times, understanding how to fulfill them.

Imagine knowing exactly where and how to receive the nourishment, nurturing, and support you require, desire, and deserve.

In this episode, I’ll guide you through a contemplative process, supporting you in becoming present to the moment, slowing down, and connecting with your breath. Together, we’ll enter your heart’s sanctuary, allowing you to feel your emotions, connect with your needs, and discern what you truly require, desire, and deserve.

May the Guided Heart Sanctuary Meditation & Process energize you, bringing peace of mind and clarity to your journey. Tune in to this enriching experience and nurture your connection with the wisdom of your heart.

🌟💖 #HeartSanctuaryMeditation #SoulHealthJourney #PodcastTransformation

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