Conscious Manifesting

“I am Lotus”: Embracing Embodiment and Emerging from Adversity

In the creation of “I am Lotus,” I embarked on a Soul Art Journey that taught me about embodiment and how to connect deeply with my body. This journey revealed the purity and resilience of my being, showing me that even after adversity, I can emerge beautifully from muddy waters. The Soul Art Journey Process: […]

“Grow Roots & Wings”: Nurturing Deep Healing and Expansive Growth

I first attended International Soul Art Day in 2019 but did not complete my piece, “Be Brave,” until I joined Soul Art School in February 2021. It was during an 🍭 Art & Money 💸 Soul Art workshop that I realized the importance of the healing and embodied empowerment practices from the past two years, […]

“Heal” – A Soul Art Journey of Integration and Release

Following the creation of “Be Brave,” my next Soul Art piece, “Heal,” emerged as an integration collage. It symbolizes the profound necessity of healing the deepest roots of my being and ending the shame caused by my family’s trajectory, by walking my path boldly, once and for all. When I first engaged with the intention […]

“Be Brave” – A Soul Art Journey of Healing and Empowerment

In June of 2019, during the transformative Soul Art Day Event, I began the creation of “Be Brave.” At the time, I wasn’t fully conscious of the depth of connection I was making with my core wound. All I knew was that I wanted to body map my solar plexus, which felt like a sticky […]

Welcome to the “Sweet Truths” Soul Art Exhibit

With this FB Live, I am thrilled to officially open the virtual Sweet Truths Soul Art Exhibit, running from August 4th – 18th. You can join me here on my Facebook profile and on this blog of mine. Sweet Truths, in my experience, are about living your life in bloom. This exhibit is a celebration […]

Embracing the Archetypes: The Heart and Soul of My Brand

In my journey to build an online presence that truly reflects my Soul’s gifts and purpose, I’ve come to realize that embracing different aspects of myself has been key. Over the past decade, I’ve explored and discovered various facets of my identity, each represented by a unique archetype. These archetypes have shaped my offerings and […]

#94 Trailblazing Self-Love Leadership: Unleashing the (S)Hero Within

Welcome to a special International Women’s Day edition of the Soul Health Mentor Podcast, where we’re trailblazing self-love leadership with the Explorer Sage Heroine Archetype! Dear Empowered Souls, On this remarkable occasion of International Women’s Day, I stand in awe and gratitude for the incredible journey we’ve shared. As the host of the Soul Health […]

#93A German Bonus Episode: Entdecke die Geheimnisse deines Herzens

Eine geführte Reise zur vollen Entfaltung deiner Kraft Einleitung: Herzlich willkommen zu einer weiteren inspirierenden Episode des Soul Health Mentor Podcasts! In dieser Folge tauchen wir ein in die Geheimnisse deines Herzens und entfalten gemeinsam die verborgene Kraft, die in dir schlummert. Das Herz als Quelle der Kraft: Dein Herz ist der Schlüssel zu deiner […]

#93 Guided Process: Discover the Secrets to Harnessing Your Innate Power for Abundant Living

Discover the Secrets of Your Heart: A Guided Journey to Unleash Your Power Introduction: Welcome, beautiful soul, strong heart, and brilliant listener, to another transformative episode filled with “Out of Your Mind and Into Your Heart” wisdom. Today, we embark on a journey to discover the secrets of your heart. Your heart holds your innate […]

#92B German Bonus Episode: Enfessle Deine Innere Kraft!

Hallo du schöne Seele, Hallo starkes Herz und hey brilliant listener, herzlich willkommen zurück zu Bonusfolge in Deutsch bei Soul Health Mentor! Diese Woche geht’s um deine innere Kraft und wie du sie enfesseln kannst. Wir werden  deine innere Kraft freisetzen, indem wir mit einigen Mythen aufräumen, denn um verschiedene Aspekte unseres Wohlbefindens und Potenzials ranken […]