“Yin & Yang of Relationships”: The Duality in Connections

Creating my next Soul Art piece, I was guided by the intention I held for my Soul Art Journey:

“I find currency in the current of relationships.” 

This Soul Art Journey has provided me with profound insights into the dynamics of relationships, illuminating the duality that exists within them:

💚 Healthy and unhealthy.
💙 Functional and dysfunctional.
💜 Co-dependent and interdependent.
💖 Supportive or overbearing.
💝 Needing approval from others or leading in self-love leadership.

Through this journey, I explored how relationships can either uplift or drain me, depending on the energy dynamic and interaction I bring to them. My art became a mirror, reflecting the intricate dance of these opposing forces and helping me navigate the complexities of human connections, releasing yet another layer of people-pleasing, “perfectly fixing”, codependency, and enmeshment, reclaiming my power by firmly speaking my boundaries

Engage with the Art

As you connect with this Soul Art piece, I invite you to reflect on your own relationships. Where do you see the balance or imbalance of these dualities in your life? How do they influence your personal growth and well-being? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Next Blog Post Art Viewing: “My Purpose Portrait”

In my next blog post, I’ll introduce the piece “My Purpose Portrait”—a vibrant expression of reclaiming joy and purpose in the face of challenges. Join me as we explore the power of unhooking from old coping mechanisms and reconnecting with our true source of joy.

Watch the Closing Ceremony of the “Sweet Truths” Exhibit

Tomorrow the virtual “Sweet Truths” Soul Art Exhibit concludes and I would love to share my insights of curating my art for this event with you. You can learn more about the power of art, and how the heart and Soul connection, can heal and empower you to take action on your behalf while honoring your true nature. (will hyperlink as soon as event is live.)

#SoulArtJourney #YinYangBalance #PowerOfArt #ReclaimYourPower #SoulArtGuide #CreativeHealing #LifeArtist #SoulArtExhibit #IntuitiveArt #TransformativeArt #SelfDiscovery #ArtHealing #HealthyRelationships #DualityInConnections #SoulHealthCare

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